Kita-ku, Tokyo, 1 minute walk from the station. The site has a narrow frontage and a long depth, and is located in a mixed neighborhood commercial area and Type 1 residential area.
In order to ensure a better living environment in the city, we designed two atriums, each with a large opening facing south, creating an interior space filled with light.
The transparent interior and exterior are unified with white, making the appearance of the space stand out even more clearly.
The skeleton steel staircase that crosses the two giant atriums evokes a sense of richness in a gently flowing atmosphere.
- basic plan
- ha hosaka hironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- location
- Oji, Kita-ku, Tokyo
- 東京都北区王子
- usage
- private residence
- 個人住宅
- structure
- traditional wooden construction
- 在来木造
- fire resistance
- semi-fireproof building
- 準耐火建築物
- site area
- 57.39m²
- 17.36坪
- total floor area
- 95.22m²
- 28.80坪
- 1F floor area
- 36.78m²
- 11,12坪
- 2F floor area
- 37.33m²
- 11.29坪
- 3F floor area
- 21.11m²
- 6.38坪
- building area
- 40.36m²
- 12.20坪
- construction
- housenova inc.
- 株式会社ハウスノーヴァ
- structural design
- U'plan co.,ltd.
- 株式会社U'plan
- equipment design
- ha hosakahironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- model making
- funatsu naoko
- 船津直子