This is an urban private residence built on a narrow, long site in Yoga, Setagaya Ward.
The exterior was purposely designed to be closed, with a 3.5-story diagonal atrium extending through the center of the building.
By designing the openings to touch many sides of the 3.5-story atrium, we were able to create a bright and open living space while ensuring privacy inside.
The exterior uses a trendy greige color to create a contrast with the white, symbolically expressing the building's expression.
The frame on the front road side cuts out the blue sky and transforms it into a painting of the inside of the house.
- design supervision
- ha hosaka hironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- location
- Yoga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
- 東京都世田谷区用賀
- usage
- private residence
- 個人住宅
- structure
- traditional wooden construction
- 在来木造
- fire resistance
- semi-fireproof building
- 準耐火建築物
- site area
- 81.18m²
- 24.55坪
- total floor area
- 144.82m²
- 43.80坪
- 1F floor area
- 55.47m²
- 16.77坪
- 2F floor area
- 52.60m²
- 15.91坪
- 3F floor area
- 36.75m²
- 11.11坪
- building area
- 56.46m²
- 17.07坪
- construction
- One’s Life Home
- One’s Lifeホーム
- structural design
- U’plan co., ltd.
- 株式会社U’plan
- equipment design
- ha hosaka hironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- photo shoot
- adavos co., ltd. kazuhisa adachi
- 有限会社アダボス 足立和久