I designed the sense of distance between families living together with architecture.
The texture of each well-examined building material changes over time, making the flow of time visible in everyday life.
The articulated volume is intended to blend in with the scale of the cityscape.
- design supervision
- ha hosaka hironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- location
- sanno, ota ward, tokyo
- 東京都大田区山王
- usage
- two family house
- 2世帯住宅
- structure
- traditional wooden construction
- 在来木造
- fire resistance
- semi-fireproof building
- 準耐火建築物
- site area
- 132.32m²
- 40.02坪
- total floor area
- 184.40m²
- 55.78坪
- 1F floor area
- 83.91m²
- 25.38坪
- 2F floor area
- 79.79m²
- 24.13坪
- 3F floor area
- 20.70m²
- 6.26坪
- building area
- 86.67m²
- 26.21坪
- construction
- kimura Industry co., ltd.
- 株式会社木村工業
- structural design
- IOT design ryoji inagaki
- IOT設計 稲垣良二
- equipment design
- ha hosaka hironobu
- ha 保坂裕信
- built-in furniture
- biso co., ltd.
- 株式会社美創
- photo shoot
- adavos co., ltd. kazuhisa adachi
- 有限会社アダボス 足立和久
- model making
- naoko funatsu
- 船津直子